The company "Izvor-P" Ltd.
The main clients of Izvor-P Ltd. are international companies with an already established place on the European and world market..
Izvor-P Ltd. has experience, potential and free capacity to meet the specific requirements of current and future customers.
Izvor-P Ltd. has an ISO quality certificate 9001:2008.
The services, who "Izvor-P" LTD. offers!
Bending of pipes and profiles
Drilling and turning
Cutting of metal sheets
Name of the project: Overcoming the lack of funds and the lack of liquidity , occurred as a result of the COVID epidemic 19
Project and main goal :Providing operating capital for Bulgarian micro and small enterprises to deal with the consequences of the COVID pandemic 19. Achieving a positive effect in overcoming the economic consequences of the COVID pandemic 19 and job stability.
Contract number: BG16RFOP002 2.073 7068 C01
Beneficiar"Izvor-P" LTD.
Total value: 10 000.00 lv., of which BGN 8,500.00. European and BGN 1,500.00. national co-financing
Start: 11.08.2020 End: 11.112020